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Anyone tried Krill Oil? I currently take Advil ALL THE TIME. I see a lot of ads for this. they say things like - "No more ibuprofen…eat THIS instead! Heart disease, blood clots, strokes, and kidney failure. These are just some of the gruesome side effects that can be found on the back of a bottle of Ibuprofen. And to top it all off, Ibuprofen doesn’t even address the main cause of your problem. It’s only temporary pain relief. You don't need to just alleviate your pain - you need to fight INFLAMMATION.That’s why researchers are saying this one natural food is outperforming Ibuprofen, Advil, and Tylenol. And it doesn’t have the dangerous side effects mentioned above either!" Any truth or experience with this?
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6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Krill Oil

Krill oil is high in important omega-3 fatty acids. Here are six science-based health benefits of krill oil.

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