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Don’t underestimate the power of Omega-3s! 💪🙏🐟🛢️ The brick wall analogy That’s the theory behind using omega-3 fatty acids to heal brain injury. The human brain, which itself is a fatty mass, is about 30% composed of omega-3 fatty acids, according to Lewis. In his words, high doses of omega-3 fatty acids, since they mirror what is already in the brain, could facilitate the brain’s own natural healing process. “It really gets down to what I would call my brick wall analogy,” Lewis said. “If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, wouldn’t you want to use bricks to repair the wall? And omega-3 fatty acids are literally the bricks of the cell wall in the brain.” Most of the studies about omega-3 for traumatic brain injury are in animals, but they indicate potential for healing the human brain. After a trauma, the brain tends to swell, and the connections between some nerve cells can become damaged, while other cells simply die. National Institutes of Health research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may inhibit cell death and could be instrumental for reconnecting damaged neurons. Another recent study revealed genes that are activated to contain massive damage – especially inflammation – when the brain is injured. What activates those genes: omega-3. #Brain Journey Network #Biohackers Connect #Pop NEUROSCIENCE
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Fish oil helped save our son | CNN

Bobby Ghassemi’s family believes high doses of fish oil helped him recover from a traumatic brain injury.

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