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shared a link post in group #Biohackers Connect via #Podcasts We ❤️

Why do we trust body mass index? What’s the deal with the Presidential Physical Fitness test? Why is Halo Top ice cream taking grocery stores by storm? These are the sort of questions that Maintenance Phase, a fantastically funny and informative podcast, uses as jumping-off points to take listeners on heavily fact-checked journeys into the wobbly world of “wellness.” The show is predominantly focused on debunking and decoding the junk science behind popular health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice. The chemistry between the two hosts, Aubrey Gordon, author of “What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat,” and Michael Hobbes, a journalist best known for his other breakout podcast, “You’re Wrong About,” is electric—I could listen to them explain how paint dries. Start your listening with “Snake Oil,” which explains why there will always be salespeople hawking miracle cures and where the term “snake oil” comes from in the first place. #Bio hacking #Sporty Life

Maintenance Phase

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